Comece a jogar agora e receba esta oferta limitada

  • 100 000 Silver Lions
  • Carro leve M2A4
  • Galer's F3F-2
  • Torpedeiro 58 ft PT-3
  • Booster de +50% para XP e Silver
  • 7 días Conta premium
  • M4 para aluger Camuflagem permanente «Defensor da Liberdade»
  • P-40E-1 para aluger Camuflagem permanente «Asas da Liberdade»
  • Decoração «Águia da Coragem»
  • 10 backups por cada veículo terrestre grátis temporariamente

You probably need to go to the global publisher site

In the territory of CIS countries, the War Thunder game is managed by the regional publisher Pixel Storm. If you actually live in a CIS country and plan to use local payment methods, you should register your game account in the CIS region. If you got to this site in error, you should register your account in the global region
Go to global region
PinA different region is more suitable for you